Student Work

Library Class, 2022-2023

Take a look at some of our exciting STEM, research, robotics, and 

information literacy projects and activities!

Nutmeg Book Award Posters

Students in Grades 2-4 designed posters for their favorite Nutmeg Book Award nominees. Take a look!

Nutmeg Posters - combined

Take a look at some of the Rube Goldberg designs created by students in 2nd-4th grade! Students used Google Slides.

Shared - Rube Goldberg Machines

Take a look at some of the designs created by students in 2nd-4th grade! Students used Google Drawings and Tinkercad.

Student work  photos (in-person and remote):

Students have been working on circuitry, coding, and robotics. Check out some of their prototypes in action:


Students used Google Drawings to create their own "virtual" balloon parades.

Students are learning the proper form for using information from a credible resource (paraphrasing, direct quotes, and listing sources.) Students worked on a collaborative slideshow, and shared information that they found in our online database.

Students analyzed the Caldecott nominee, Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds. They then extended their thinking by applying the author's concept to their own book title (for example, Scary Strawberries!).

Students explored Caldecott Honor book, The Spider and the Fly, by Toni DiTerlizzi (based on the poem by Mary Howitt). They used the illustrations to analyze the discrepancy between the spider's words and actual intentions. They then applied the same principles in their own persuasive writing, taking on the role of the spider.

Students explored Caldecott Honor book, Sam and Dave Dig a Hole by Mac Barnett. Students placed Sam and Dave in new settings for another adventure. 

Check out our students' great suggestions on book selection strategies:

Students in grades 3 and 4 shared their suggestions for students looking for great books to read. Here are the results:

Our students did a great job creating e-Books about library expectations!