
Welcome to the Work Experience Education (WEE) Google site.  As you navigate this site you will learn about the requirements and opportunities that await you in our programs.

Earn elective credits while working!

The “General Work Experience” class is for 11th and 12th graders. Students can work up to 40 hours weekly. Students may earn 1-10 elective credits per semester.  Classes meet one day per week.  Work Permit required (17 and under).

Learn how to build your resume, develop interview and workplace skills, and strategies to advance your career!

Sign up for “General Work Experience” on your course selection sheet. Student must be employed by an approved business prior to enrollment. See your school counselor or Work Experience Coordinator for more information.


Work Experience Education (WEE) is a work-based learning course of study that offers internships and employment combined with instruction in critical workplace skills. 

Students will develop ready-to-work attitudes/interview skills; financial literacy; knowledge of workplace safety and rights as workers; business operations; how to read an earnings statement and know what payroll deductions to expect; career decision making; making a career goal plan and much more. 

Program Types

Exploratory Work Experience Education (EWEE)

The objective of EWEE is to provide career guidance to students and ascertain their interests and aptitudes for specific careers through opportunities to observe and sample a variety of conditions of work. The EWEE includes a combination of job observations and related classroom instruction in WEE. The student may be required to perform non-paid work activities while exploring the occupation on a limited, periodic, and sampling basis. The length of exploratory assignment may vary, depending on the aptitude of the student, the occupation being explored, the facilities of the work station, and the job classification. Students may not participate in EWEE programs if pay is received for similar work at the same work station or a similar job during hours when not assigned to the EWEE program. (The student cannot replace a paid employee.) The LEA must provide Workers' Compensation Insurance for the student. Students enrolled in EWEE may be as young as 12 years of age. Students participating in EWEE do not need a work permit

General Work Experience Education (GWEE)

The purpose of GWEE is to provide students with opportunities for applying the basic skills of reading, writing, and computation through a combination of supervised employment in any occupational field and related classroom instruction. Students participating in GWEE typically require a work permit.

Career Technical Work Experience Education (CTWEE)

The intent of CTWEE is to reinforce and extend vocational learning opportunities for students through a combination of related classroom instruction and supervised paid employment. The CTWEE is to develop and refine occupational competencies necessary to acquire paid employment to adapt to the employment environment, and to advance in an occupation. Students enrolled in CTWEE must have a worksite placement or employment that is related to a previous or concurrently enrolled Career Technical Education course of study.

Mrs. Beane, Work Experience Coordinator - pbeane@avhsd.org
Lancaster High School - Quartz Hill High School - SOAR High School - AAV/Virtual Academy

Cathy Calvert, Work Experience Coordinator - ccalvert@avhsd.org
Highland High School - Palmdale High School

Timothy Green, Work Experience Coordinator - tgreen@avhsd.org
Antelope Valley High School - Desert Winds High School - Eastside High School - Phoenix High School

Mrs. Whetzel, Work Experience Coordinator - rwhetzel@avhsd.org
Highland High School - Knight High School - Littlerock High School - R. Rex Parris High School