Individual Learning Plan

The Antelope Valley Teacher Induction program is designed as a two-year induction phase. During the first year, beginning teachers identify the contexts of their instructional practice and engage in a job-embedded inquiry project to successfully deliver curriculum in professional practice. With the facilitation of their mentors and support from site administrators, beginning teachers attend professional learning events and apply new learning to enhance classroom management and student learning. Undoubtedly, they learn from errors made and through reflection identify deficiencies for correction through a cycle of continuous improvement.

In the second year, beginning teachers continue to refine their practice, engaging in two inquiry cycles. Candidates may build on their year 1 inquiry in the new instructional context or begin a different inquiry topic based on their student population and professional needs.

Early completion candidates complete three inquiries--one during the first semester and two during the second each semester.

My Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) Sample
My Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)