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Early Learning Through Guided Play

Supplemental Curricular Website

Play-based learning allows young children to explore their environment through open-ended play experiences. Through this interactive and child-led engagement, young children learn social skills, thinking skills and practice problem-solving and communicating their ideas. They foster their intrinsic motivation to learn, curiosity and autonomy, and have authentic experiences that deepen their relationship to growing numeracy and literacy skills. Adults can help support this work by helping to scaffold what the child is engaged in and extend their experiences through support, narration, questioning, and curating challenges along the way.

In guided play, adults choose play materials that encourage a certain kind of exploration, and ask open-ended questions at key moments to help shape children’s choices or push children to think more deeply about what they are doing. Crucially, the adult in guided play must follow the child’s lead so that children genuinely have the autonomy to explore as they like. The adults’ roles are in support of children’s choices, gently shaping children’s behavior without taking over.

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