The RTI Process

The RTI Process

ACES follows the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework to provide students who do not respond to general classroom instruction with increasingly intensive levels of intervention. MTSS is a term used to describe an evidence-based model of schooling that uses data-based problem-solving to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention. The integrated instruction and intervention are delivered to students in varying intensities (multiple tiers) based on student need. “Need-driven” decision-making seeks to ensure that school resources reach the appropriate students at the appropriate levels to accelerate the performance of ALL students to achieve and/or exceed proficiency.

The support for students in broken up into multiple tiers.

Tier 1: All students receive core instruction and universal academic and behavior strategies.

Tier 2: Some students receive small group researched-based targeted interventions.

Tier 3: Few students receive intensive support utilizing research-based interventions.

Goals of RTI

The goals of the RTI process at ACES are the following:

  • Proactively identify students in need of support

  • Use data to know when a student is not progressing

  • Teach all students at the intensity needed based on students’ most current data

  • Intervene to increase tiered instructional support to accelerate learning

  • Track the effectiveness of tiered instruction and intervention

  • Focus on increasing student achievement to grade level proficiency or higher