Beam quality

Aside from the various beam patterns, it is important to check their uniformity. Whatever the pattern, the beam of a Petzl headlamp is always uniform and therefore comfortable.

The quality of the beam is dependent on that of the LEDs and of the optics' design. The latter is complex and requires the knowledge of an optical engineer. Petzl chose long ago to integrate these skills into its research and development teams and equipped their lamps with the highest-quality components.

Petzl headlamps

Faisceau parfaitement homogène : pas de tâches d’ombre, irrégularités ou de points d'éblouissement, qui fatiguent la vue et gênent lPerfectly uniform beam: no dark spots, irregularities or blinding spots to impede visibility and reduce visual comfort.e confort visuel.

Other headlamps

Presence of a central bright spot: blinding
Presence of visual defects: lack of precision, discomfort, fatigue