Counselor's Den Parent NEWSLETTERs


Monthly Newsletter Symposis:


The first newsletter of 2023/24 school year features the weeklong celebration Start with Hello Week. Please see newsletter for the week of Sept. 18th for more information, information for Hispanic Heritage Month, and some tips to help manage separation anxiety.


The second newsletter of 2023/24 features the weeklong celebration Red Ribbon Week or Grow Your Brain Week. These newsletter also discusses some resiliency factors and some tips on goal setting. 

January: Coming Soon

The third Newsletter and first of 2024 will feature Balance Life Month and two different weeks. No Name Calling Week and Hunt for happiness week.

 Counselor's Den Newsletters


Parent Newsletter 919 SWHW (6).pdf
Newsletter Featuring Start With Hello Week infomation
Parent Newsletter 1017 RRW (1).pdf
Newsletter Featuring Red Ribbon Week
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter