Ms. Konkel


Beginning Monday, April 6th we will be using BLEND for online classes! There are practice assignments available now! Comenzando el lunes, el 6 de abril, vamos a estar utilizando BLEND para dar clases a los niños.

Username: S(student number) or your iStation username

Password: Konkelclass5


Hello, All!

This is Ms. Konkel and I wanted to make sure that we stay connected as possible during the school year!

I am originally from Northern California and graduated from Fordham University in the Bronx in 2014 with my Bachelor's of Science in Psychology, and from University of California, Davis with my Master's of Arts in Education in 2017.

I love to read, travel, and play volleyball! But, being a teacher is my absolute dream come true and teaching 5th grade is my ultimate passion.

Please let us know if there are absolutely any questions that you have or anything that you need from me. We are here to help!


Ms. Konkel


¡Hola a todos!

Soy la Maestra Konkel y quería asegurarme que nos mantengamos conectados durante este año escolar!

Soy originario del norte de California y me gradué de la Universidad de Fordham en el Bronx en 2014 con mi Licenciatura en Ciencias en Psicología, y de la Universidad de California, Davis, con mi Maestría en Artes en Educación en 2017.

¡Me encanta leer, viajar y jugar voleibol! Pero, ser maestra es mi sueño hecho realidad y enseñar quinto grado es mi máxima pasión.

Háganme saber si tienen alguna pregunta que tengan o si necesitan algo de mí. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar!


Ms. Konkel

Water Cycle

Area & Perimeter

Text Structure


Code: juy2623

Play Prodigy

Education Galaxy

Download iStation

Meal Finder

Breakfast & Lunch

Learning At Home

Aprendizaje en Casa

Art, Music, P.E.!

CIS with Ms. Martinez!

Skills with Ms. Brooks!

Ms. Parlange!