Advanced Algebra II

Below you'll find information about Advanced Algebra 2. Such as: how to complete assignments and makeup work and classroom policies. There is a Classroom Policies quiz on the first day of school. I encourage you to review the documents and prepare before the first day of school.

Classroom Expectations Advanced Alg II, HW Assignments & Make-Up Work

Classroom Expectations & Policies

Grading daily assignments

How to Complete Assignments

Make-Up Work Policy

Makeup Work Policies

Get Started Early

Don't wait until the last minute to do this summer work.

-- You will submit your work within the first two school days into BLEND. --

You will be assessed on this material

On the second day our class meets...

you have your first test.

only use a pencil

In Advanced Algebra II it is required that all your submitted work, which is physically turned in to the teacher, be completed in pencil. (In Class Exams/Quizzes)