School Improvement Planning

School Improvement Overview

This site provides information and resources to support School Improvement Planning in Austin ISD through Campus Improvement Plans (CIPs) and Targeted Improvement Plans (TIPs). All campuses are required to complete a Campus Improvement Plan each year. Some campuses will be identified for additional intervention based on A-F Accountability raitings. These campuses will be required to complete a Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP) in addition to their CIP.

Campus Improvement Plan (CIP)

Every campus develops a Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) for school improvement planning and monitoring as required in state and local policy. These plans are similar to a course syllabs in that they provide important documentation for campus needs assessment and asset mapping to guide goal setting and progress monitoring for the year. These are meant to be living documents reflecting continuous improvement efforts.

Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP)

TEA's School Improvement Division serves the purpose of improving low-performing schools by reviewing, evaluating, monitoring, and intervening with campuses and their districts to ensure excellence in education for all students. These districts and campuses engage in improvement planning and continuous monitoring. For more information, visit TEA School Improvement.

Resources on this website are organized to align with the primary tasks involved in school improvement plan development and implementation. The navigation buttons at the top provide a quick link directly to each section: 

School Improvement Planning (CIP/TIP) Checklist

Use the School Improvement Plan (CIP/TIP) Checklist to guide your work! Click here to make a copy.

Policy and Background

School Improvement in Texas is outlined in Texas Education Code 11.253 under Subtitle C- Local organization and governance (planning and decision making). TEC 11.252 addresses District-level planning and decision making and describes district improvement planning. TEC 11.253 deals with campus-level planning and decision making and outlines requirements for campus improvement planning. TEC 11.254 (Appendix C) addresses the state’s responsibility for the planning and decision making process. Additional legislature and policy addresses specific aspects of programing and school operations that are often referenced within a CIP. 

Austin ISD board policy (BQ Local A and BQ Legal A1) reflects state policy and requires that “Each school year, the principal of each school campus, with the assistance of the campus-level committee, shall develop, review, and revise the campus improvement plan for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations, including students in special education programs.” 

In January 2023, Campus and District Accountability worked with the Office of School Leadership to launch a Campus Improvement Planning redesign process. Information and a survey were shared with principals in January with the goal of engaging in a transparent and inclusive process to develop solutions for improved campus improvement planning. Central Office teams worked collaboratively with committee members to ensure campus improvement planning efforts are supported through systems, not silos. This work was grounded in the idea of "Strategic Abandonment" or what Leo Babauta calls "The Art of Subtraction" with the goal of making school improvement planning LESS work with MORE impact. Our resulting redesigned process utilizes a new timeline that allows for CIP development to begin in Spring/Summer and continue throughout the year with guided quarterly data reflection workshops. Another improvement is to use a single platform, Plan4Learning, and eliminate requirements for “submission” of PDFs in BLEND or anywhere else. Here is a table summarizing improvements and strategic abandonment:

School Improvement Planning in Austin ISD will continue to be reflective and iterative as we work collaboratively to honor our district vision to be "Austin’s home for inclusive learning: high expectations for all children, high outcomes for every student."

Austin ISD Framework

The document below (also linked here to open in a separate tab) includes guidance and information about school improvement planning in Austin ISD. This framework is in draft form and is open for comments to allow staff to add comments with feedback and considerations to help us ensure clarity and ease of use.

School Improvement Planning Framework DRAFT

Austin ISD Strategic Plan Framework

PlanFramework2020-2025-ENG (1).pdf

Campus and District Accountability