SYSTEMS OF SUPPORT - When you join AISD you are automatically part of AISD CONNECT. AISD CONNECT is the district's Teacher Induction and Support Program. As part of CONNECT you are able to take advantage of a variety of supports throughout the school year. Take a look below to learn more. 

CONNECT Welcome Week

During Welcome Week, we collaborate with campus staff and other district teams to support you as you begin your journey with us

Before your first day with students, you will join other new AISD educators for AISD CONNECT Welcome Week. During Welcome Week you will hear from district representatives on district celebration day, you then will engage in professional learning in job alike groupings, with a district cohort. Last but not least, you will visit your school for a campus orientation. 

CONNECT District Cohort

Your New-To-AISD Cohort is a job alike group led by an experienced teacher in AISD (CONNECTor) that you meet during Welcome Week. During your cohort time your CONNECTor will give you an orientation to your grade level or subject. You will also have the opportunity to meet others that share your grade level or content area, explore curriculum and/or look at resources, and ask questions. Later in the year, there are opportunities for continuos interaction with your cohort. If you join the district after welcome week, you will still be able to participate in a cohort and will receive information as part of your on-boarding. 

CONNECT Mentoring

If you are a new teacher in your first or second year, you will receive ongoing one-on-one coaching and support from your AISD mentor. Your AISD mentor is a teacher at your school selected to walk alongside you throughout the school year.


In AISD we want you to feel welcome and build community. AISD SOCIALS/MEETUPS are design to introduce you to others in the AISD community through outings and social interactions around the city. These outings are announced in the AISD CONNECT newsletter. 

Mid-year Learning Conference

Join us at this conference! Designed for all new to AISD educators, and new hires that missed Welcome Week in August, this conference will include sessions on essential district topics and initiatives. This is a must for advancing your teaching practice, and for meeting and receiving support directly from district teams.