books & ebooKs

Book Cover of Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
Book Cover of Consent by Donna Freitas
Book Cover of Domestic Violence and Abuse by Laura L. Finley
Book Cover of Empowered Boundaries by Cristien Storm
Book Cover of Gender, Power, and Violence by Angela J. Hattery and Earl Smith
Book Cover of How to Break Up with Anyone by Jamye Waxman
Book Cover of Hunger by Roxane Gay
Book Cover of Invisible Chains by Lisa Aronson Fontes
Book Cover of Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me by Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero O'Connell
Book Cover of My Darkest Hour by Harold L. Turley II
Book Cover of Ordinary Girls by Jaquira Diaz
Book Cover of Psychopath Free by Jackson Mac Kenzie
Book Cover of Narratives of Domestic Abuse by Catherine Donovan and Rebecca Barnes
Book Cover of the Secret of Overcoming Verbal Abuse by Albert Ellis and Marcia Grad Powers
Book Cover of When Dad Hurts Mom by Lundy Bancroft
Book Cover of Whole Again by Jackson MacKenzie

*Library materials are vetted based on the adopted ACC Library Services Collection Development policy. As part of the ACC collection, these materials are available for currently registered ACC students.