Thursday, November 12 9:00am ‒ 10:00am

SAS Panel Discussion

Presenters: Lauren Sebel, Lauren Matthys,
Ginger Bennet, and Meg Kareithi

It takes a village…er, panel! This collaborative panel discussion is brought to you by ACC’s Student Accessibility Services (SAS), Alt Text & Media, and Interpreter Services. Representatives from these areas will address targeted questions, submitted by staff, on topics including but not limited to: best practices in online accessibility and alternative text/media, accommodating students remotely, current procedures of SAS & SAS Testing, Universal Design principles, and working with deaf/hard of hearing students. Any and all questions are welcome, but please note that SAS staff might curate submissions for the sake of brevity.

A to Zoom - Acing Zoom Basics

Presenters: Rene Renteria and JT Tyler

More online learning experiences are now happening at ACC via Zoom. With greater awareness of Zoom tools, faculty can make online learning more engaging and accessible to today’s students. Attend this workshop to learn:

  • Download and install Zoom Desktop Client

  • Access Zoom account from Web Portal

  • Identity important settings in Web Portal

  • Schedule a Zoom meeting

  • Use common attendee controls in meeting

  • Check audio/video settings for meeting

  • Share content from computer with Screen Sharing

  • Create and use Breakout Rooms

  • Record and review meetings

  • Know where to get more information, help, and support at ACC & Zoom

What Students Are Saying About Remote Learning:
Using ACC Student Feedback to Enhance the Distance Education Experience

Presenters: Sharon Goh and Sarah Porter

As completion counselors, we are uniquely positioned to hear what students really think about remote learning during our academic counseling sessions. Additionally, as instructors, we understand the challenges that faculty face in delivering their courses online. We will share anonymized feedback from ACC students about their distance learning experience as well as easy-to-implement strategies to enhance student engagement and persistence. Topics will include course structure, use of technology, and ways to build community in your online classroom.

* Note: This session was not recorded.

Thursday, November 12 10:15am ‒ 11:15am

Supporting Students Through the Online Research Process

Presenters: Ashley Carr, Lynda Infante,
and Jorge Lopez-McKnight

ACC Librarians will present tips and tricks to help students successfully navigate finding quality information resources online, and discuss how librarians can support students and faculty in the online environment.

Taming the Digital Dumpster Fire: 5 Free Tools to Enhance Online Learning and Productivity

Presenter: Natalie Bidnick Andreas

In an increasingly distracted world, how can students and educators possibly thrive in an online learning environment? From managing assignment deadlines to capturing lecture notes, both students and professors face the seemingly insurmountable challenge of staying productive and organized while working away from the traditional campus environment. In this interactive session, digital strategist and ACC adjunct faculty member Natalie Bidnick Andreas will share five free tools designed to reduce overwhelm and foster enhanced learning and productivity. Attendees will be invited and encouraged to try out suggested mobile applications and systems during the presentation.

Motivation and Mindset

Presenter: Edgar Granillo

This session focuses on the connection between motivation and mindset. We will review steps we can take in developing our course and curriculum to help foster motivation and growth mindset in students.

Contact with questions.