Controversies & Context

"The books the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame." - Oscar Wilde

Intellectual freedom empowers you to think for yourself!

Does the setting of a book or the personal experiences of an author justify the complaints levied against them?

Are books like I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and The Color Purple too upsetting for required reading? Or does banning these books silence black authors who expose the prevalence of gendered, sexual, and racial violence?

Does the presence of sex and profanity in a work of literature encourage readers to act "inappropriately?" Or is it simply an honest reflection of reality?

Do Animal Farm and 1984 promote Communism? Or do they warn against the dangers of Totalitarianism?

Are the racial epithets present in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn insensitive and offensive to contemporary readers? If the epithets are only said by ignorant or bigoted characters, does the novel criticize people who currently use them?

Free Speech*   *Conditions Apply

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