Where to see theater (live and online)

You are lucky to live in Central Texas because theater is everywhere! You just need to know where to look. Here is a general list of venues and theatre companies, as well as websites and other opportunities online.

Be sure to FIRST SEE WHAT'S ON STAGE at Austin Community College!

Check out our ACC Drama Department!


Where can I see plays online?

ACC Library has access to many databases that provide recordings of live performances. To access, you will need to enter your ACC Student ID and password:

Other resources for watching plays online that do not require ACC student login:

OnTheBoards.tv Only for ACC students through the Library website. OnTheBoards provides quality video recordings of live theater performances from across the country and the globe.

National Theatre Live! A means to see high quality live theater performances in movie theaters!

Theater Talk. Current trends and events on Broadway and Off-Broadway brought to you by CUNY-TV.


HowlRound is a free and open platform for theatremakers worldwide that amplifies progressive, disruptive ideas about the art form and facilitates connection between diverse practitioners.