Gender Specific Pronouns
are the ways we refer to each other in the third person. People who are transitioning in some way, might choose to change their pronouns. (She/Hers and His/He)

Gender Neutral Pronouns
are inclusive pronouns which do not associate a gender with the individual who is being discussed. (They/Them/Their, Ze/Zie/Hir and Zee/ZEE/HEAR)

Example: I saw Lauren come to work today and they seemed really happy. I wonder if it has anything to do with their weekend. I hope I see them soon to hear all about it!

Example: I saw Lauren come to work today and ze seemed really happy. I wonder if it has anything to do with hir weekend. I hope I see hir soon to hear all about it!

ASK! You cannot tell someone's pronoun just by looking at them. If you find yourself unsure of someone's pronoun, be attentive to how others refer to this person. If you are still unclear or concerned that people might be using the incorrect pronoun, politely and privately ask that person what pronoun they use.

RESPECT! If someone takes the time to let you know their name and pronoun, use and respect it. It's not up to you to decide someone else's identity.

PRACTICE! If you have difficulty using someone's name and pronoun, practice. Ask co-workers, peers and friends to point out when you've made a mistake.

TIP: Start meetings with everyone introducing themselves and stating their pronoun.

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