ACC LGBT eQuity is comprised of students, faculty and staff who have volunteered to serve.
Officers are and members serve for a term of two years.
While our next membership drive will not be until the end of 2022, we welcome all
ACC students, faculty and staff to attend our events and connect with us via
social media.

Founded in 2014 by a small but passionate group of individuals who saw a need for LGBT+ representation at Austin Community College - we are so proud to be entering into a new phase of the committee work with our newly elected officers. In 2021 - we have many exciting initiatives at work as we hope to create the first-ever LGBT+ scholarship at ACC, complete phase two of the Chosen Name process and implement sensitivity training.

Mission: The mission of the ACC LGBT eQuity committee is to promote a safe environment for students, faculty and staff. The LGBT eQuity committee strives to educate students, faculty and staff on the issues that impact the LGBTQ community to better help them with challenges they may face. By inspiring and engaging individuals, our goal is to create a more enjoyable, inclusive experience at Austin Community College.

Nuestra misión del comité de equidad ACC LGBTes promover un entorno seguro para los estudiantes, la facultad y el personal. El comité de equidad del LGBT se esfuerza por educar a los estudiantes, profesores y personal sobre los cuestiones que impactan a la comunidad LGBTQ para ayudarles mejor con los retos que pueden enfrentar. inspirando y enfrentando a personas, nuestro objetivo es crear una experiencia más agradable e inclusiva en Austin Community College.

If you have any questions, please email the Chair (Stefanie Vermillion) or Co-Chair (Matt Campbell) at lgbtequity@austincc.edu