All Gender Restroom Directory

Each campus has at least one all gender restroom. We know that there are still challenges on campuses with more than one building. Are you having issues with all gender restroom access on your campus? Let us know by filling out this form. 

Cypress Creek Campus (CYP)Bldg. 2000, Rm. 2010

Eastview Campus (EVC)Rm. 9400l, 9400m

Elgin Campus (EGN)Rm. 1112

Hays Campus (HYS)next to Rm. 1133

Highland Business Center (HBC) 3rd, 4th, and 6th floor to the right of the elevators

Highland Campus (HLC)
HLC1-1319 (closed, plumbing)

HLC1-2337 (closed, plumbing)

HLC2-1104 (open)

HLC2-1323 (open)

HLC2-1433 (open)

HLC2-1520 (closed, plumbing)

HLC2-2113 (open)

HLC2-2426 (open)

HLC2-2523 (open)

HLC3-1103.02 (open)

HLC3-1103.03 (open)

HLC4-1403 (open)

HLC4-2303 (open)

Northridge Campus (NRG) Bldg. 3000

Rio Grande Campus (RGC)
Building 1000, (3rd Floor) 1305

Riverside Campus (RVS) Dean of Student Services Office, Bldg. B, Rm. 4213

Round Rock Campus (RRC) Rm. 1135, 2126, 3119

San Gabriel Campus (SGC) Ground floor, Bldg. 1000

South Austin Campus (SAC) Rm. 1156, 1219, 1325