United Way for Greater Austin

United Way for Greater Austin brings people, ideas, and resources together to fight poverty in our community. 

Since 1924, United Way has been a powerful force for good and a critical part of the fabric of Austin. For 95+ years, we have been dedicated to providing families and individuals with the tools and resources they need to thrive.  United Way for Greater Austin focuses on initiatives that are designed to jump-start and maintain sustainable solutions for families with low or moderate income and drive collective change by aligning public and private support. We invest in programs and initiatives that provide families with the skills and resources they need to take an active role in their own success. 

Volunteering with United Way for Greater Austin

Volunteer Requirements: 

Issues and Causes: 

Types of Opportunities: 

Come together with your Austin neighbors to strengthen our community. Whether you dig in on a beautification project at a child development center or assemble kits to support people who need toiletries, volunteering is a powerful way to have a direct impact in Austin.