Sunrise Homeless Navigation Center



Changing the Narrative on Homelessness in Travis County

Sunrise Homeless Navigation Center is the only fully integrated day resource center for our unhoused neighbors in Austin.  We partner with organizations like Integral Health Care, ECHO (City of Austin Housing), Community First Village, and many more. Additionally, we train other organizations and churches in Austin on how to connect with and help those experiencing homelessness.

Our program provides meals and assistance with connecting people experiencing homelessness with the services they need to navigate through the difficult systems and move toward a more stable environment.  We are here for them day in and day out - no matter what - so they can come to a place to connect with community where people know their name and story. Sunrise has never closed our doors - through COVID, winter storms, and holidays - and we will continue to show up as long as there is a need.

Issues and Causes: 

Types of Opportunities: 

Volunteer Requirements

Join Sunrise Today!

At Sunrise, we heavily rely on our volunteers to help keep our doors open to be able to serve our community of people experiencing homelessness. Whether it's serving food to our neighbors, organizing our donations, or getting people's mail, you are a vital part of helping us connect with and help those who come to Sunrise.

We love having new volunteers with fresh eyes on the situation and value input from our volunteers on how to improve our systems!  We look forward to having you come and be a part of the Sunrise Family. 

Email to sign up for a shift today!


Currently Seeking Volunteers for: