Friends of Austin State Supported Living Center



Phone: (512) 74-6160

The Friends of Austin State Supported Living Center (AuSSLC) is a nonprofit that raises awareness and funds for the individuals from the living center. Their mission is to provide life enriching and personal growth opportunities for the residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities who call the center home. The AuSSLC is located on 97 oak-covered acres in central Austin, and it provides aid and support to 169 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We provide comprehensive medical and psychiatric services; occupational, speech, and physical therapies; recreation; community inclusion, and much more to increase independence and improve the quality of life of the individuals.

Issues and Causes: 

Volunteer Requirements

Types of Opportunities: 

Find the Right Opportunity for You

ACC students volunteering at the AuSSLC will obtain a better understanding of individuals living with developmental and intellectual disabilities. It will also be an incredibly rewarding experience to give back to this community!

Click an opportunity below to learn more:

Recreation Volunteers

Residents enjoy music, dancing, movies, socialization, and refreshments at the R.E.C., our multipurpose recreation center. Activities include: sing-alongs, arts and crafts, movie night, dances, and exercise groups. Volunteers participate in the activity, help with decorating, serve refreshments, and help clean up. Mingle, meet our residents and just have fun! Activities are held most weekday evenings and some weekend days. Recreation volunteers must be at least 18 years old.

Friends Board Member

Join our non-profit board or a subcommittee and help to support the enrichment of the quality of life of the residents of the center. Lend your time and talents in areas such as event planning, marketing, fundraising and more! Board members meet monthly and additional time is given as needed. 

Human Rights Committee

The Human Rights Committee’s purpose is to ensure individuals’ rights are protected through an impartial review. The HRC is responsible for reviewing programmatic documentation as well as local policies and practices related to protecting rights. The HRC usually meets weekly and is made up of the Human Rights Officer (an AuSSLC employee), a community member, a facility representative and an individual/guardian. The HRC is both a required and valuable team that ensures the rights of Austin State Supported Living Center are upheld and protected. 

Campus Buddy

Volunteers will be partnered with a specific individual. Our residents really benefit from spending one on one time with people other than staff. Spend time on campus walking, playing games, bike riding, attending activities together or just enjoying each other’s company. There is also the opportunity for a volunteer to be a friendly visitor who spends time with several residents from the same home. Campus buddies and friendly visitors must be at least 18 years old. 

Music Volunteer

Do you love music, singing, and/or the performing arts? Help the living center’s Community Choir prepare for the 40th annual state supported living center Music Festival. Attend weekly rehearsals to help the Community Choir prepare for the 45th Annual State Music Festival or have the opportunity to work with the inspirational music and memory program. 

Group Volunteer

This is an excellent opportunity for schools, churches, companies, or families to work together to brighten someone’s life! Sample group activities include campus beautification projects such as planting flowers, painting, scraping handrails, and other yard work, or adopting a home to host holiday and birthday parties.