El Buen Samaritano

Website: https://elbuen.org/

Email: rholz@elbuen.org

Our Mission and Vision

For more than 35 years, El Buen Samaritano has been a trusted community resource for Latino and immigrant families in Central Texas, serving more than 8,000 individuals annually through innovative, culturally relevant food access, health literacy, and education programs. As a volunteer for El Buen Samaritano, you will help students with academic support and support their social-emotional learning. Your support and involvement will not only help these children academically but encourage them to be successful in all areas of their life!

Volunteer Requirements: 

Types of Opportunities: 

Issues and Causes: 

What We Do

El Buen Samaritano is an outreach ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, committed to helping Latino and other families in Central Texas lead healthy, productive and secure lives through high-quality and affordable health-care, education and food assistance services. We provide a gathering place where people of all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds learn and serve together in a community of mutual trust and respect. The community is vibrant and filled with a rich cultural tradition

We encourage the growth and empowerment of those we serve, so they may fully participate in their own development and increase their capacity to be leaders and contributors to their families and the community. We invite you to join us in our mission - click the link below and apply today!