Down Home Ranch



Our mission is to empower the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through social, educational, residential and vocational opportunities 

Jerry and Judy Horton, Founders of Down Home Ranch, undertook its creation with the vision that those who lived at the Ranch would have new opportunities and challenges throughout their lives, just like everyone else in the world, to achieve new dreams, form new ideals, and realize new visions. They emerged as national leaders in the movement to provide excellent, workable models for providing for the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

DHR is igniting independence and building community through overnight, week-long Ranch Camps and year-round Respite, Day Program and Residential services in Elgin, TX. None of this could have happened without the thousands of volunteers who have come forth over the years bearing gifts of time, treasure, and talent. The Ranch still depends upon these friends and we would love to count you among them!

Volunteering with Down Home Ranch

Issues and Causes: 

Volunteer Requirements: 

Types of Opportunities: 

Down Home Ranch Final.mp4

Hello ACC Students! 

Down Home Ranch is excited about your interest in volunteering. You can help the Ranch by teaching a class for the Ranchers, helping us grow our own food, cutting down trees to prevent wildfires or helping our Development Office with data entry or special events.

As you might imagine, we have many opportunities, ranging from a few hours a month to a few hours on just one day — opportunities for just you or for a group you're a member of. Whatever your area of expertise, your schedule or the size of your group, there's a place for you on the Ranch!

So, if you love the country lifestyle and also enjoy being around, working with and supporting people with disabilities, then click the link below to learn more and complete our Volunteer Application Form. 

We look forward to meeting you!