Colorado River Alliance




We believe that a Healthy, Flowing River is Imperative to the Long-Term Well-Being of our Communities and State

 Our mission is to champion the long-term vitality of the Texas Colorado River through education and engagement. We dedicate resources, time, and energy to educating Texans about how the Texas Colorado River supports us and how, in turn, we can ensure its long-term vitality. Founded in 1994 and based in Austin, Texas, the Alliance has been promoting responsible stewardship of the Texas Colorado River for over 20 years, and we continue that stewardship by increasing citizen knowledge of the river’s economic and environmental importance. Along with serving as a champion for the river and for the communities and businesses that depend on it, it is the Alliance’s goal to educate today’s youth to become tomorrow’s leaders, ensuring a lasting legacy of a healthy river, sustainable use of water resources, and communities dedicated to protection and conservation.

Types of Opportunities: 

Issues and Causes: 

Volunteer Requirements

Join the CRA Today!

Volunteers are crucial to the success of Colorado River Alliance's mission and the delivery model of our programs. Through all of our volunteer opportunities, volunteers will learn about Austin's only source of drinking water and how to conserve and protect this precious resource.

Event-based opportunities for individuals and groups are mostly environmental action events, such as local creek/park cleanups and restorations and our annual Lake Travis Cleanup. 

Ongoing volunteer positions take place in our Environmental Education Programs, Redbud and the Mobile River. Volunteers are trained to deliver lessons to K-8 students including activities about hydrology, groundwater, urban watersheds, water quality, water protection, and water conservation.