Championship Hearts Foundation



Help make Texas a model state for preventing death from cardiovascular disease!

Championship Hearts Foundation (CHF) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) agency focused on the prevention of sudden cardiac death by screening active teens for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) and other cardiac abnormalities. Our mission is to prevent sudden cardiac death in the adolescent population. By screening for unrecognized heart conditions, we also strive to provide reassurance for young athletes and their families.

We love ACC students as volunteers with Championship Hearts Foundation. Whether lending a hand for one of our Teen Heart Screening events or helping with an information table at a local health fair, you're sure to meet some amazing people and help further the mission of saving young lives from Sudden Cardiac Arrest!

Volunteering with Championship Hearts Foundation

Issues and Causes: 

Volunteer Requirements: 

Types of Opportunities: 

What to Expect as a CHF Volunteer

 Volunteers for the CHF Free Teen Heart Screenings can expect to possibly help with guest check-in, height/weight measurement station, escorting guests between stations, blood pressure station, information stations, taking photos, and guest check-out tasks. 

Volunteers for major fundraisers can expect to help with guest check-in, activity booths, auction assistance, and guest check-out.

Volunteers for "Behind the Scenes" involvement could potentially help with preparations for heart screening events, preparations for major fundraisers, or data entry for our research projects.  If you're interested in behind the scenes opportunities, please contact  Michelle Garcia at