Austin Area Urban League



The Austin Area Urban League’s mission is to provide tools to African Americans and under-served populations to build a foundation for social and economic equality. 

For over 40 years, the Austin Area Urban League has served underserved populations and persons of color, including Spanish-speaking populations in Austin, Texas and Travis County through its job training, housing programs, and education and youth development programming. Through these efforts, the Austin Area Urban League has done extensive outreach to garner support and buy-in from the communities we serve. Beginning in the Fall of 2018, the Austin Area Urban League began working in the health space with events focused on Alzheimer's. It is the hope of the Austin Area Urban League to continue to expand its health-focused work within childhood obesity, diabetes, chronic diseases, and other ailments that disproportionately impact disenfranchised communities. 

Volunteering with Austin Area Urban League

Austin Area Urban League Final.mp4

Volunteer Requirements: 

Issues and Causes: 

ACC students could help the Austin Area Urban League thrive in many areas of service including admin, marketing, outreach, and community management efforts. We also have internships available for students interested in exploring a career in service through non-profits.

Every year we serve hundreds of individuals and families in communities across Austin with the help of our volunteers and partners.