Human Impact

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Watch the videos for EACH of the categories. When you're done, complete these three tasks:

1) Summarize the issue as presented in the videos you watched.

2) Describe how this topic is affected by human population growth.

3) Brainstorm ways we could possibly limit our impact for this topic. (Just preliminary ideas... brainstorm. Some ideas might be presented in the videos- you can use those too)


Q: Choose one example from this video. Why do you think there is such a difference in the production of these two items? Discuss the specifics of your ideas.





For this section, watch the video. Then, make an argument about why you think it effects 1 of the 4 categories from the video.

It may effect more than one, but focus on one and describe why you think the impact is largest in this category.

Be convincing. Use Evidence.

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Specific Challenges and Human Impact:

1) Choose one of the topics from Part 1 (Food, Water, Energy, or Waste).

2) Do some research. Get more information about the topic than you had from the videos (this should be NEW information, not just what you heard in the video. Use these questions to guide your research, but if other things seem interesting to you, don't feel restricted.

- What are some of the challenges associated with this resource? Try to find some details.

- How does human population affect this issue?

- What are some areas of research currently being explored around this topic?

- What technology is being developed to address this issue? What are the costs and benefits of this technology?

- What is something everyone can do to help with this problem? What kind of impact would this have globally?


Create a detailed scientific diagram of your of one aspect of your project. This will be a little different for everyone.

Here are some ideas to get you going:

- A diagram you create to show the impact of this topic (globally, nationally, locally?)

- A diagram of a piece of technology you researched and how it will work to address the topic

- A diagram of a resource system (water cycle, nutrient cycle, etc) that is affected by this topic.