Civic Engagement / Current Event Resources



Derek Chauvin Verdict - April 20, 2021:

Supporting Students: Resources for Educators During the Derek Chauvin Trial

NY Times Lesson of the Day: How Teachers Are Exploring the Derek Chauvin Trial With Students

Storming of The Capitol Hill - January 6, 2021:

ADL (Anti-Defamation Leave) - Discussing Political Violence and Extremism with Young People

Beyond the Spotlight (Creating Equitable and Caring Classrooms for Children) - Resources for teachers on the days after the attack on the U.S. Capitol

Brightline - 6 tips from child therapists on how to talk with kids and teens about the violence at the U.S. Capitol

California History-Social Science Project (UC Davis) - Resources & professional learning for K-12 history-social science

Child Development Institute - How To Talk To Kids About Tragedies In The Media

Colorin Colorado - 15 Tips for Talking with Children About Violence

Common Sense Media - How to Talk to Kids About Violence, Crime, and War

Ed Week - Caring for Students in the Wake of a Traumatic News Event

Facing History and Ourselves - Educator Resources / Teaching With Current Events in Your Classroom

K-12 Dive - Violent US Capitol insurrection presents difficult classroom discussions

LACOE - California Democracy School Online Professional Development Series

National Association of School Psychologists - Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers

NEA Today - Talking to Kids About the Attack on the Capitol

NPR - National Public Radio

PBS - Peaceful Protests

Teaching Tolerance - When Bad Things are Happening

The Center at UCLA - Schools Responding to the Violence at the U.S. Capitol: A Time to Help, a Time to Model, and A Time to Teach

AUSD staff members may submit suggested resources for this site by contacting Natalie Tee-Gaither, Director - Public Information Officer, at