Performing Arts
Administrator: Keith KerneySecretary: Marianne von KriegenberghPhone: (626) 821-1778Department Chair: Kevin Sherrill
Interested in Performing Arts courses? Read through the course descriptions in the curriculum guide and click through some of the sites, images and videos below!

AHS Performing Arts Teachers
AHS Performing Arts Teachers
Pin Chen
Orchestrapchen@ausd.netKeith DeLuca
Stagecraftkdeluca@ausd.netKatie Morreale
Dancekatelynmorreale@ausd.netBreanne Orlowsky
Orchesisborlowsky@ausd.netThomas Plunkett
Bandtplunkett@ausd.netKevin Sherrill
Band and Percussionksherrill@ausd.netConnie Tu
Choir and Orchestractu@ausd.netSteven Volpe