Orchestra Placement Information

There is a place in orchestra for everyone! Colleges only look favorably upon the fact that you are in orchestra and do not know which level is which. To begin your 2024-25 orchestra journey, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: All 2024-25 Orchestra Students need to join the Google Classroom. Click here: Google Classroom class (code:7paazuw). All info regarding music camp, new member orientation, etc. will be posted there. 

Step 2:  Click here to fill out the Orchestra Placement form. If you are joining Premier Orchestra, you're all done! 😀
Students wishing to join or continue in String, Concert, or Symphony Orchestra should also complete Steps 3 & 4 to audition in the Spring. 

Step 3: Submit video audition by April 25, 2024. The video should consist of the following:

Step 4: Sight reading audition in person on April 30th, May 1st, or May 2nd. Current high school orchestra students will sign up for an in-class slot. Others sign up for a lunch or after school slot. There will be 3 levels of excerpts. You will be asked to play 1, 2, or 3 of those excerpts. 

**Students who audition commit to the orchestra they are placed in. Re-auditions are not permitted. Trust the process!