ELD Information
All students new to public schools in California who speak a language other than English at home and all returning students in the English Language Development (ELD) program are required by law to take an English language proficiency test each year until they qualify to exit the program.
New students take the Initial ELPAC to determine their level of English proficiency and the results are used to determine the amount of language support they receive during the school year.
ALL students in the ELD program take the Summative ELPAC in the spring. It tests each student's progress towards acquiring English proficiency and the results are used to determine the amount of support he/she will receive the following school year, or if he/she is ready to be reclassified as fluent in English and qualified to exit the program.
ELAC Meetings
All families are invited to join us for English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings to learn all about the ELD program, school procedures, and upcoming events at Hugo Reid and around Arcadia.
All About ELD (Modified presentation from 2020)
Chinese - All About ELD (Modified presentation from 2020)
Resources at the Arcadia Public Library (Presentation from January 23 and 24)
Please join us for the next ELAC meeting on March 6 and March 7 to learn about the ELPAC testing
which will take place in April and May.
Thursday, March 6 from 6:00-7:00pm in HRE Room 101
Friday, March 7 from 8:10-9:10am in the HRP Library
ELAC 3 Invitation (in 3 languages)
ELAC 3 Agenda (in 3 languages)
The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is the required state test for English language proficiency that must be given to students whose primary language is a language other than English.
The ELPAC is aligned with California’s 2012 English Language Development Standards and is comprised of two separate assessments:
Initial Assessment —an initial identification of students as English learners
Summative Assessment —an annual summative assessment to measure an English learner's progress in learning English and to identify the student's English Language proficiency level
INITIAL ELPAC (administered within 30 days of starting school)
English - Initial ELPAC Parent Guide Chinese (Simplified) - Initial ELPAC Parent Guide Chinese (Traditional) - Initial ELPAC Parent Guide
Spanish - Initial ELPAC Parent Guide Korean - Initial ELPAC Parent Guide Russian - Initial ELPAC Parent Guide
Vietnamese - Initial ELPAC Parent Guide Tagalog - Initial ELPAC Parent Guide Arabic - Initial ELPAC Parent Guide
SUMMATIVE ELPAC (administered February 1-May 30)
English - Summative ELPAC Parent Guide Chinese (Simplified) - Summative ELPAC Parent Guide Chinese (Traditional) - Summative ELPAC Parent Guide
Spanish - Summative ELPAC Parent Guide Korean - Summative ELPAC Parent Guide Russian - Summative ELPAC Parent Guide
Vietnamese - Summative ELPAC Parent Guide Tagalog - Summative ELPAC Parent Guide Arabic - Summative ELPAC Parent Guide
(Select English or Spanish)
Provides sample questions with answers and a rubric
Follow these steps: Practice and Training Tests -- Practice and Training Tests for Students -- Sign In -- Select Grade Level--ELPAC Practice Test (pink)
Speaking and Writing Sections for Practice Tests:
Kindergarten Speaking: ELPAC Practice Test Kindergarten Writing: ELPAC Practice Test
1st Grade Speaking: ELPAC Practice Test 1st Grade Writing: ELPAC Practice Test
2nd Grade Speaking: ELPAC Practice Test 2nd Grade Writing: ELPAC Practice Test
Grades 3-5 Speaking: ELPAC Practice Test (Grades 3-5 Writing is on the Practice Test)
Follow these directions to prepare your Chromebook so you can access the secure test browser and ELPAC test.