About Us:

This is a podcast two girls made for a school project. We decided to tell some fun stories and talk about school in this for the people to get an inside look at some 2 teenage girls' heads. The podcast started as a joke. We heard that you could do one and we both said, "wanna do a podcast," and started laughing but later that day we both deiced it was something we want to do.


How did we get our name?

Well at first our name was The Three Brain Cells as an inside joke, but that was when our friend was doing the podcast with us, but they dropped out on us. So after school, we were trying to come up with names that fit us and we asked the people around us. That's when we were given the name "Sisters with Voices" we couldn't really come up with something else so that's what we went with. Now we aren't really sisters but we've known each other for so long it feels like it.