Justine Bickler -

Physical Education Teacher/ Coach 

About Me!

Hello all! My name is Justine Bickler and I am one of the Physical Education teachers here at Columbia Middle School. This will be my 6th year teaching PE. I coach girls soccer, and boys soccer and hopefully will start teaching girls basketball. I grew up in Winter Park, Colorado, and then attended University of Northern Colorado getting my bachelor,s in PE K-12 with an emphasis in Special Education. I went to CSU Pueblo to get my master's degree. 

 My family is my biggest supporters, and my number 1's if I am not teaching I am out with them hiking, fishing, camping, or just hanging out. 

If you have questions, or anything don't hesitate to reach out with my email!

I am looking forward to the up coming school year! 

Contact Information: 

Email: jmbickler@aurorak12.org 

Phone: 303-690-6570 ext: 25132 

 Parent letter