
3rd Grade Webpage

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Classroom Visitation/ Communication:

Parents are welcome to visit our class on a day that we are not testing; please let us know the day before if you plan to visit or have lunch with your child. We encourage parent involvement and appreciate hearing from you with any concerns you may have, either academic or other.

Mrs. Nartowicz

Mrs. Miesen

Mrs. Macias

We will get back to you the same day if you email before 12:00 p.m. You may also call and leave a message for us. The school number is 303-751-8862. We also use Classroom Dojo as a form of communication. If you haven't signed up yet, please do so.

School Wide Expectations

Jewell Scholars Are:

Respectful - I choose to use kind words and actions.

Responsible - I choose to challenge myself to do my best and take care of Jewell.

Safe - I choose to have a safe body.

Important Upcoming Dates

Monday, September 9- Field trip to the Mint

Tuesday, September 10- PTO 2:30 In Family Resource Center

Thursday, September 12- Mother Son Dance 4:00- 6:00

Friday, September 27- Professional Release Day- No School

September 30- October 4- SPIRIT WEEK

Wednesday October 9 and Thursday October 10- Parent Conferences 3:30- 7:30

Thursday, October 11 - NO SCHOOL

October 14th- 18th- FALL BREAK- NO SCHOOL


Literacy: In third grade, our expectation is that students will read for 25 minutes each night. Mrs. Nartowicz will send home reading logs on Fridays, but are available in class every day. Mrs. Macias will send home a grammar sheet as well. In our experience, students who complete their reading at home, and have good effort in class, will make adequate progress in literacy.

Math: Mrs. Miesen will send home a math packet every Friday.

Folders: Red folders are due on the following Thursday with completed homework. Important papers will be sent home with homework on Friday.

Classroom Schedule

7:30- 7:55 Breakfast in the classroom and morning meeting

7:55-8:35 ELD/ WTL

8:40-9:55 Block 1

10:00- 10:40 Specials (Same special all week)

10:45-12:05 Block 2

12:10-12:50 Lunch/Recess

12:55-2:15 Block 3

2:15 Dismissal