Harmony Ridge Athletics & Activites
Athletic and Activities Director
Sarah Schnetzler srschnetzler@aurorak12.org
General Information:
All athletes should plan to attend practices Monday through Friday 2:30-4:30. Parents should plan to pick up their athlete no later than 4:45. Athletes should also bring a water bottle to every practice. Fees for all sports will be $35 which must be paid prior to the first day of practice. If payment is an issue please reach out to Ms. Schnetzler to discuss a payment plan. Athletes participating in multiple sports will pay for the first two sports and all subsequent sports will be free.
Athletes will not be able to practice until their registration, physical form and fee have been turned in.
Athletes that have received a score of 2 or below on their eligibility sheet will be ineligible for the following week. Students who also have more than TWO unexcused tardies or an unexcused absence (skipping/ditching class) will be ineligible for the following week.
Athletics Registration:
Please follow the link to register your athlete. Blank physical forms can be found below.