8th Important Information

Email: mjmural@aurorak12.org

Aurora Quest K-8, 2022-2023

Course Syllabus – Physics

Teacher: Michael Mural

Email (preferred method of contact): mjmural@aurorak12.org

Textbook: Active Physics: A Project-Based Inquiry Approach 3rd Edition (Ebook)

Ebook Log In: http://ebook.iat.com Username: See Mural Password: See Mural

Teacher Availability: See Google Classroom for teacher/room assignments, as well as by appointment.

Course Description:

Physics is a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. Our goals this year will be for students to learn basic physics concepts and put them into practice, develop and expand students’ analytical, problem solving and laboratory skills, and develop a deep and lasting understanding of the power of science.

Science Standards:

Physics is a standards-based course, which means that students are learning what the state of Colorado believes is most important to know. In this course, we will be utilizing the Colorado Academic Standards 2020. Standards can be found at https://www.cde.state.co.us/coscience/2020cas-sc-p12 under the Physical Science and Earth Science standards.

Important Notes:

It is important for students and parents to understand that this is considered a high school class. As a high school class grading and expectations will reflect a high school class. If students maintain passing grades in this class they will not need to take it as freshman in APS and will be placed in an appropriately leveled chemistry class next year as freshmen.

Quarterly Summary:

Quarter 1: Students will use physics to help them be safe drivers by understanding position, velocity, acceleration, braking distance, and mathematical models of motion.

Quarter 2: During the first half of the quarter, students will focus on the physics of sports to explain principles including inertia, mass, Newton’s laws, force, acceleration, gravitational attraction, friction, and conservation of energy. During the second half of the quarter, students will design a safety system to provide protection during a collision. They will continue and extend their work with Newton’s laws and will include other physics principles such as pressure, momentum, and impulse.

Quarter 3: During the first part of this quarter, students will focus on electricity, circuits, energy, power, thermodynamics and electrical efficiency. They will use knowledge of electrical energy to select appropriate appliances to power a home that has limited electricity produced by wind generators. The final part of this quarter will apply ideas involving electricity, magnetism, motors, generators, and electromagnetic waves.

Quarter 4: Students will focus on light, sound and waves. They will investigate types of waves, how waves carry energy, and how wavelength, frequency, and speed of a wave are related. Students will learn about the electromagnetic spectrum and how technology uses this to transmit and store data. Time permitting, we will also explore how waves are used to transmit earthquakes, as well as how electricity and magnetism are responsible for Earth’s geodynamo.

Grading: Quarter grades are determined from a combination of marks earned on formative and summative assessments, along with work habits and warm ups. Summative assessments (tests, quizzes, and major projects) are worth 50% of your grade, formative assessments (exit tickets, labs, and check-ins) are worth 20% of your grade, work habit assignments (homework and in-class work) are worth 20% of your grade, and warm-ups throughout the quarter are worth 10% of your grade. Grade book marks are converted to a single grade and will be entered every two weeks as the students in progress grade in Infinite Campus.

Daily work will that is graded will be graded on the following scale:

0-N or no evidence

1-U or unsatisfactory

2-PP or partially proficient

3-P or proficient

4-A or advanced

Body of Evidence: There are two types of assessments, formative and summative. Formative (assessments for learning) provide direction for improvement for the student and adjustment of instruction for the teacher e.g. observation, quizzes, homework, discussion, drafts, etc.. Summatives (assessment of learning) provide information to be used in making judgments about a student’s achievement at the end of a sequence of instruction, e.g. final drafts, tests, assignments, projects, performances, etc.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

Academic Dishonesty:

Academic dishonesty as defined by our safe schools policy is: Untruthful or deceptive behavior in connection with academics, including plagiarism, cheating on tests or assignments or changing grades without authorization.


A zero on the assignment, test, or quiz with no opportunity to make up the work for credit. Parents will be notified of the offense.


Absence Policy: Students will need to refer to Google Classroom and see me with any questions or concerns. We will discuss any missed assignments and will agree on a due date. Students are expected to access Google Classroom to see what they missed, access notes, review assignments.

Bathroom/Leave Classroom: Students are allowed to leave class to use the bathroom. Students will need to ask permission to go to the bathroom or leave for any other purpose.

Late Work Policy: Teacher reserves the right to deduct points from assignments if they are turned in late or to not accept late work if it is not turned in within a reasonable timeframe after the original assignment’s due date. Work that is not TURNED IN 7 days from the due date will not be accepted and will receive a 0.

Homework: Most homework will be the result of students not completing their work in class. In most cases, students will have sufficient time to complete work in class. If you find that you frequently have homework in class, then most likely you are not on task during class. Make sure you come to class ready to go and get everything done at school so you won’t be taking many things home with you.

Required Materials

Chromebook issued by Quest

pens / pencils

Filler paper / notebook