Ms. Call's Class

About Room #223

Room #223 is a student support classroom at Farrington Elementary school in Augusta, Maine. The classroom has three staff members, Special Education Teacher, SueAnn Call, Educational Technician, Gidget Shaw and Educational Technician, Michael Pelletier. The main goal of the staff is to provide social emotional support throughout the day within the school and remote setting. Our students will learn to become positive members of the school community through social and emotional activities and supports.

Google Classroom

Along with in class support we will be using Google Classroom as a means of social and emotional support for all students this coming year. All students will have access to Google Classroom through their homeroom as well as Room #223. These programs will be updated on a regular basis and assignments and activities will be posted for both remote learning and in class days. Google Classroom is a free and easy tool helping educators efficiently manage and assess progress, while enhancing connections with learners from school, from home, or on the go. All students will be given instructions on how to log in with their Augusta School Department email and how to navigate Googles G-suite of applications for use with google classroom.

Bitmoji Classroom

A Bitmoji Classroom is a Virtual Classroom. It is a great way for educators to deliver content to students in a fun and engaging way. Educators can add a Bitmoji into a virtual classroom to create an animated experience for students. Students will be able to explore the classroom by clicking on various people and objects to gain access to lessons, activities, and weekly skills.

The Bitmoji classroom for room 223 will be updated on a weekly basis to incorporate and support social emotional learning for our students. Content will be designed to support weekly skills and with the flexibility to be changed to meet needs as they arise.

Copy of Ms. Call Bitmoji user guide

Bitmoji Classroom Guide

Just a quick tip sheet for new users.


Word of the Week

Every other Wednesday a new word of the week will be posted for the class to focus on. We will discuss and learn about each word and why it is important for our us both socially and emotionally. Click the image on the left to view this weeks word!

Our Staff

Mr. Pelletier

Educational Technician

Ms. Call

Special Education Teacher

Mrs. Shaw

Educational Technician

Google Classroom and G-Suite Introduction for Parents

Bitmoji 223 Classroom

Clickable Bitmoji classroom slide sample

Parent Help Sheet

Parent Google Help Sheet

Help sheet for Google log in