Collinson Ecological Preserve

Collinson Ecological Preserve (67 acres; 6 miles south of campus) consists predominantly of upland hardwood forest.

Students in Dr. Jenny Burnham's Soil Science class (GEOG306) visited Collinson Ecological Preserve to study the basics of soil morphology, classification, and mapping (25 Sept 2016).

Check out more photos from Collinson Ecological Preserve by clicking HERE.

The Josua Lindahl Hill Prairies Nature Preserve is a 20-acre state nature preserve that is settled within the Collinson Preserve and characterized by loess hill prairies growing on limestone cliff formation.

Below are maps of Collinson for download and printing. In addition, a webmap application of Collinson may be accessed by clicking HERE.

Check out field stations highlights and activities at the Augie Field Stations Facebook page: