Pledge Area

Duties & Requirements


  1. Attend all chapter and pledge meetings
  2. Complete a minimum 20 hours of community service (6 of which come from your Pledge Project, 10 of -which must be completed in-chapter)
  3. Attend a minimum of 3 committee meetings of 2 different types
  4. Conduct interviews with 85% of the chapter's actives and acquire their first and second signatures (detailed below)
    1. First Signatures: One side of the card consists of the active's name, hometown, majors/minors, and the active's signature along with 2 questions asked by the active. The reverse will list the active's answers to 5 interview questions asked by the pledge.
    2. Second Signatures: Obtain a signature from an active by answering an APO related question. Place all the signatures together on one or two note cards
  5. Acquire a First Signatures from every member of your pledge class
  6. Attend the planned 6-hour service project
  7. Weekly Pledge Task
  8. Pay dues $35 (Before initiation) and $10 (Before activation)

Pledge Class

  1. Plan a 6-hour community service project to complete as a pledge class
  2. Design a pledge class t-shirt and booklet.