At-Home Resources

Adapted Games & Activities

Each of the games outlined in this document provides modified directions (as needed) to adapt almost any game you already have at home. Each game lists the "Topic" or therapeutic focus addressed and offers ways to share with your child. Feel free to try any or all of the games provided! Check back frequently as we will be continually adding games!

Class Dojo: Mojo takes on Social Emotional Learning

Videos and activities to help students build social emotional skills. Click on Mojo to learn more!


Free online collection of animated storybooks (sign-up as a homeschool educator to get 1 year free).

Coping Strategies

List of 100 different coping strategies kids can use to manage emotions.

Conversation Starters

Over 20 printable cards to start meaningful discussions.

Getting to Know You

Free list of over 30 questions to help kids get to know each other and build positive relationships.

7 Habits of Happy Kids

These display one habit per poster with a nice image and a short explanation of what each habit means.

Go Noodle

Go Noodle provides hundreds of videos to help kids take a brain break and practice mindfulness.

Howard B. Wigglebottom

From the creators of entertaining, educational books, videos, games and songs to help young children become better listeners, learn important life lessons and feel good about themselves. Children who learn these skills will grow up better informed to resolve conflicts and empowered to change the world.

Sensory Walk

Access a free downloadable to practice self-regulation, calming strategies, and exercises to refocus on your body.

Sesame Street

Check out Sesame Street for videos that encourage social and emotional learning. Play educational games, watch videos, and print coloring pages with Elmo, Cookie Monster, Abby Cadabby, Big Bird, and more! Click on the picture for more information.