The Application

2021 Summer Residential Governor’s School Information And Application Suggestions

The Application Process

Each program has a unique application. The applications are linked below. You will need to download the file and either type directly into the Word Document or you may upload the file into Google Docs and type on the file through Google Docs. Either way, you should be typing your application, not handwriting your application.

Make sure you have filled out every part of the application. Incomplete applications will not be pushed forward through the selection process. If you are unsure of school information, ask your Gifted Coordinator or Guidance Couselor.

Under the Career Highlights section, read carefully as it specifically states during the past three years. Also it is important that you do not leave these three charts blank. Leaving these charts blank or minimially completed significantly reduces your score. If you are having difficulty filling in the blanks, talk with your teachers, your Guidance Counselor, Gifted Coordinator, parent/guardian, or other school official that may know experiences you have had that you have not included that would qualify.

The essay again should be typed, as with every other part of the applicaiton. Read the topics carefully and choose the one that you feel the most passionate about. If you have references, be sure to properly notate them. Do not over use quotes and references. The committee wants to read your position not someone else's. Make sure you look over the rubric and understand how the essay will be scored. Have an English teacher look over your essay and provide feedback. Revise your essay if necessary prior to submission.

Make sure that you application has no grammatical or spelling errors. Make sure your application has all necessary signatures that you are able to attain. And when you think you are done, have your Gifted Coordinator, Guidance Counselor, English Teacher, or parent/guardian proofread your application one final time.

You will turn your completed application along with your sealed recommendations and your sealed Objective Data Sheet in a sealed 9x13 envelope to your Gifted Coordinator who will turn it in to Mrs. Angie Deitz, Supervisor of Gifted Education for ACPS.

School Objective Data Sheet

Each student applying for SRGS programs needs to have their Guidance Counselor complete the School Objective Data Sheet below. This will provide the selection committee with the necessary academic data needed to complete the selection process. Please include this within the envelope with your application when you turn it in.

Recommendation Forms

Each application requires recommendation two forms. A suggestion is to choose your references wisely. Your goal is to use people who can address the important aspects of you in the best and most comprehesible light possible. Usually the people chosen are either a teacher or administrator, former or current. The person writing the recommendation should know you well in one or more of the following areas:

  • Academic ability

  • Interpersonal skills

  • Work ethic

  • Leadership qualities

  • Ability to function on a team

Recommendation forms are found within each application or they can also be found on the VDOE website.

Always make sure you provide at least 2 weeks of time for the letter to be written before the due date. It is always best to ask someone for a recommendation in person, but if that is not an option, a professional email is acceptable. Be prepared to give a due date for the return of the letter, as well as, either when you will pick it up or where they should turn it in. All recommendations should be submitted in a sealed and signed enveloped. (signed by the person completing the recommendation over the seal)

If you have questions and your school's Gifted Coordinator or Guidance Counselor is unable to answer them, please contact the Division Supervisor for Gifted Education, Angie Deitz by email: