Health, Safety, & Security

Health & Safety

There is a U.S. Department of State Guatemala Travel Advisory that describes the safety situation in different parts of the country. 

HEALTH: Consult your physician about your health in light of your travel plans and review your vaccinations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides recommendations on vaccinations for travel to Guatemala at CDC Health Information for Travelers to Guatemala.

Be aware of your environment. The high altitude in Guatemala City (4,900’) may cause you to tire easily. In addition, the pollution in most large cities can be very bad. This tends to be especially true during the dry season (November to April). If you have a history of allergies, other respiratory illnesses, or heart problems, you could experience complications during your stay. If you use any type of medication for these problems, be sure to bring an adequate amount after consulting your doctor.

If you get sick, please let your trip leader or CGEE staff know right away. This will help to pinpoint problems with food and water. They can arrange a visit to a doctor or medical clinic if necessary.

Possible Ailments

Additional Health, Safety, and Security Information for All Locations

Additional Health and Safety Information