Progress Outcome 5 Year 8-10

Learning Outcomes for PO5

To be able to facilitate students' learning in PO5 you need to be able to do the following things yourself:

  • Explain and illustrate relevant terminology for this progress outcome (e.g. What are heuristics?).
  • Identify authentic task contexts (e.g. combining the variegating daisies from Task 7 with randomisation explained in this activity, for an art installation. Composing a sound-track for the art installation using the learning from Task 5).
  • Identify suitable end-users (e.g. students of a similar age or younger than your students, for quizzes created from Task 3 & 4).
  • Provide problems, which allow for students to independently decompose these problems into algorithms (e.g. creating algorithms that execute complex drawings using a range of different shapes, or part shapes, pen thickness and colours).
  • Sequence code appropriately, using comparative and logical operators; as well as a range of variables, iteration and different types of control structures (e.g. a quiz game with scoring system and 'celebration').
  • Document programmes in Scratch and Trinket and use an organised approach for testing and debugging through iterative development.
  • Set and change RGB color in text coding to learn about how binary digits store more complex types of data.
  • Explain the concept of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and explore Nielsen's User Experience (UX) heuristics to identify the ones that would be appropriate to share with students at this level as they develop their programs. This will allow them to start considering end-users interaction with their program interface.

As you work through the tasks, take time to think about how they might be reproduced, adapted, or re-purposed for your own students.

To complete all tasks in this module should take about 4 hours.

Task 1: Familiarising yourself with the terminology for PO5

To explain and illustrate the relevant terminology for PO5 to your students, you will first need to understand it yourself and then reformulate the explanations to suit the age and stage of your learners.

  1. Watch the Interactive Video explaining PO5 terminology.
  2. Follow the links below to learn and practise the terminology.
  3. Use the terminology you have learned to complete your own terminology video for students, started in PO1; and share it on Google+.

Watch the video below to familiarise yourself with the terminology. Feel free to pause, rewind or skip as necessary!


Click on the Quizlet logo above to review the terminology in PO5.

Click on the logo above to do the crossword.

Task 1 should take about 60 minutes to complete, including adding to your terminology video.

Task 2: Independently decompose problems into algorithms.

For learners to independently decompose problems into algorithms, they need to understand how to decompose the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. E.g. to draw a car or a dog, you will need to identify:

  • the complete and incomplete geometric shapes needed to draw the object
  • lines of various colours and widths
  • the sprite moving while the pen is up (i.e. repositioning rather than drawing)

To practise decomposing problems, you are going to draw a picture in Scratch.

  1. Watch the sprite draw a dog and pay particular attention to the code that is running to understand how it works.
  2. Identify the shapes that make up the dog.
  3. Consider the changes in shapes needed to turn this into a cat.
  4. Remix the code to draw a cat instead (or be adventurous and draw something else).
  5. Share your completed project on the Google+ Community.

Click the picture below to access a Scratch Project for you to remix.

Task 2 should take about 20 minutes to complete.

Task 3: Use algorithms to create programs with inputs, outputs, sequence, selection. Programs will also use comparative and logical operators

For learners to create programs with inputs, outputs, sequence and selection, using algorithms, they need to understand the concepts of:

  • sequence (programs do not work correctly unless they are sequenced correctly e.g. by building in a wait time, before continuing to the next step)
  • selection (using if-statements)

To create the quiz questions in this task, they will also need:

  • comparative operators (>, <, >=, <=, ===, and !==. )
  • logical operators (e.g. AND, NOT, OR, )

To practise creating programs, you are going to build a short 5-question Quiz in your subject area, using the tutorial on Barefoot CAS. You will need to register, but it is quick and free.

  1. Watch the video and read the tutorial.
  2. Remix the coding sequence to create your own 5-question quiz in Scratch.
  3. Share your completed project on the Google+ Community.

Click on the video to start learning how to make a quiz.

Click on the example of a history Quiz below - very helpful for changing from a maths context.

Task 3 should take about 30 minutes to complete.

Task 4: Use variables of different data types, and iteration.

For learners to use variables of different data types and iteration, they will need to understand the following concepts:

  • variables (e.g. scoring in a game/ age, which has a different value every time.)
  • iteration (repeating the same sequence over and over - e.g. sprite jumps up and down or cheers if a question is answered correctly.)

To learn how to use variables and iteration, you are going to add a scoring system to your quiz using variables and you could also add a 'celebration' by the sprite e.g. jumping up and down, drawing a gold star or cheering.

  1. These tutorials will help you to do that Barefoot CAS, jumping cat, Tag game.
  2. Remix the code to add a scoring system for your quiz and a perhaps a 'celebration' for correct answers.
  3. Share your completed project on the Google+ Community.

Click on the video below to learn about adding a scoring system to your quiz.

This game is probably too extensive to be useful right now, but it shows how to do a range of things.

Task 4 should take about 30 minutes to complete.

Task 5: Determine when to use different types of control structures.

For learners to determine when to use different types of control structures, they will need to understand what a range of control structures do and how to select the appropriate ones. Also, they will need to understand how to sequence control structures and what to combine them with.

To learn how to use different control structures, you are going to use these to make songs play correctly.

  1. Watch the videos tutorials about Hat blocks, Repeats and Broadcasting if you are unfamiliar with any of these functions.
  2. Use control structures to make the song play correctly.
  3. Either refine the Blue Danube Waltz further - using control structures; or choose a project from the Scratch library and use control structures to refine it.
  4. Share your completed project on the Google+ Community.

Click on the picture below to access a simplified musical score and mp3 to help you

Click on the picture below to access Scratch code you are going to remix

Task 5 should take about 20 minutes to complete.

Task 6: Use an organised documenting approach for testing and debugging in programs.

For learners to use an organised documenting approach tor testing and debugging their programs, there is a wide range of possibilities, some more complex than others.

Create an infographic on ways of documenting testing and debugging, which will be appropriate to your students' level and resources available to you. It can be as simple as saving files sensibly on Scratch or Trinket, and creating new copies on which to iterate programs.

While learning how to document testing and debugging, you are going to design an infographic, showing students how to use organised approaches to documentation.

Design Infographic on how to organise documenting processes suitable for you students

  1. Familiarise yourself with Debugging in Scratch on the ScratchEd page.
  2. You could watch the videos to find out more about IDE's (Trinket is an example we have worked with) and testing and debugging strategies, but it is probably too advanced for students at this level.
  3. Create an infographic in Adobe Spark Post or similar.
  4. Share your completed infographic on the Google+ Community.

Click on the videos below to access explanations of the basic concepts in Testing and Debugging

Click on the picture below to access Adobe Spark Post for creating your infographic

Task 6 should take about 40 minutes to complete.

Task 7: Review how computers store more complex types of data using binary digits.

For learners to review how computers store more complex types of data using binary digits, you will play with RGB colour (always spell as "color" when writing code) in a Python-based drawing program on Trinket.

  • The focus is on changing the colours on a basic flower by using the logic behind creating a range of colours, using RGB Color Values.
  1. Play RGB Color game on Quizizz and use it to compile a cheat-sheet to help you code the flowers in Trinket.
  2. Make 5 copies of the original trinket file.
  3. Remix the code in order for the flowers to resemble the pictures provided of each below.
  4. Use what you have learned in previous coding exercises and the Python commands to code your own daisy in Trinket. It should contain at least 4 different colours as well as black and white and show solid forms as well as lines. If you want to code something else, you are welcome to - coding a daisy will be quicker, though!
  5. Share your completed Trinket on the Google+ Community.

To practice working with RGB colour, we are remixing a basic flower in Trinket (click here to access the trinket to remix). All we have done below, was to:

  • change the length of petal sides and the widths of petal tips
  • vary the pen width
  • fill some petal shapes and not others.
  • play with colour shades

Flowers you are trying to create in trinket

Task 7 should take about 30 minutes to complete.

Task 8: Select appropriate HCI heuristics to introduce

For students to be able to develop programmes considering human-computer interaction (HCI) heuristics, they first need to be familiar with what this means. Jakob Nielsen developed 10 heuristics to optimise User Experience (UX) in digital environments,

  1. Watch the video, which introduces you to Nielsen's heuristic rules.
  2. Complete the Google Form, selecting the 3 heuristics you would introduce first.
  3. Compare your selections to others' on Google+.

Click the video below to get a quick overview of Nielsen's 10 UX heuristics.

The Google form below allows you to plan which heuristics you will introduce in your class and share ideas of examples you may use. By clicking the "open in new window icon", you can see the full-size form.

Task 8 should take about 10 minutes to complete.

Self-Assessment for PO5

Complete the quiz to check your learning on PO5. Note down the letter-clues provided in each meme, unscramble the letters to form a word and type this word into the space provided on the Google Form below to receive your certificate for PO5.

Just in case you did not get a wide enough variety of memes or they disappeared a bit fast to find the answer, here is the Meme Library for this game.

Click on the Quizizz icon below and type in the game-code: 708006, to join the game.