CORE2096 Reflection

Professor/ Maha Bali

This is my reflection on the global studies course 'CORE 2096 - Digital Literacies' with Dr/ Maha Bali, Fall'17. In this course, I got to experience the real definition of 'blended education'. The class discussions were meaningful and interesting, compared to the other core classes I took. I think adopting the idea of blogging rather that submitting a paper on Turnitin helped me feel less stressed and allowed me space to express my opinions freely. To be honest, when I first started the course I was worried because I did not have a rubric for the exact way my assignments were supposed to come out, but then when I got used to designing my assignments and stopped stressing about grades, I found space to think more and appreciate the new learning process I was experiencing. Putting less focus on tests and grades and more focus on hands-on work and thought process is, indeed, an efficient strategy to enhance the education level especially because we live in a world that requires change, hence, updating learning techniques to adapt with the student's dynamic life is more convincing and encouraging. The classroom environment also plays a factor in engaging the student in the course. There are many courses where the class does not have any value because it is all about assignments and tests. AUC Provost Ehab Abdel-Rahman said, in his interview with the Caravan, ''if students find value they will come, if they don't find value they will not come.'' Personally, I attended every class in this course because I enjoyed the class and did not feel pressured or obligated to attend just for grades.