FAQs for Parents

This is a place to find answers for Frequently Asked Questions many parents have. We will continue

adding to this section throughout the school year.

What's the best way for parents to keep informed?

One of the best ways to keep informed is to read the "Updated ELHS Parent Guide" which is found on the homepage of the website. We are constantly adding and updating information for parents to this document. We are also very active on social media. The Edward Little High School Facebook page is another great option and you can follow us @ELHSEddies on Twitter.

How can I find out what classwork my child is supposed to be completing?

The first place to look is the syllabus. You can find all syllabi listed by teacher and course here. Teachers update each syllabus weekly so that parents and students know the plan for the upcoming week. The second place to look is on Google Classroom. Every teacher posts all assignments listed on the syllabus and resources on Google Classroom. Parents, please check your e-mail for an invitation to join your child's Google Classroom class. This will help you know what assignments your child should be working on. Some teachers are using the Remind App to send out reminders on due dates as well.

How can I contact my child's teachers if I have questions?

E-mail works best to contact teachers during the school day. You can find a comprehensive e-mail list here. You can also call teachers by calling our Main Office at 207-333-6652 and asking one of the secretaries to connect you. You may call teachers after 1:30 pm each school day.

What is "FLEX" period? How does it help my child?

FLEX period is a universal common block of time where students can be flexibly scheduled to meet with the teachers they need to see most. Administrators and teachers can schedule students for make up work, to get help in a particular subject, or for students to work up to passing and earn incomplete credits from the Spring semester of 2020. Students MUST check their Flex schedule each day.

How can parents setup a PowerSchool account?

Click here for a video tutorial on setting up your Parent's Power School account.

The Auburn School Department and Edward Little High School use PowerSchool for grading and reporting. We highly recommend that parents monitor their child's PowerSchool Account to help track their child's progress in their courses. If you do not have a PowerSchool Parent account, click here for instructions on how to set one up.

How about the PowerSchool App on my phone?

Click here for instructions on how to setup the PowerSchool App on your cell phone.