1st Period

This will be live with all teacher google meet links on 9/30

Google Meet Norms

  1. When you log on please mute your microphone

  2. If you have a question before the teacher opens up to questions. Please type the question into the chat for the teacher to answer after.

  3. Please only use the chat if you are greeting the teacher or asking questions. This will allow our teachers to keep up with the questions have been asked.

Important Message: You will need a Google Account to access the Google Meet links for Open House. For ease of access we recommend you use your WAHS student’s Google account to attend Open House.

Mark Bowman

Brooke Broussard

Alex Foster

Anna Johnson

Noreen Kebba

Paul Kroon

Michele Lagueux

Jebadiah Lillejord

Karen "Kelly" Love

Melissa Messmer

Wendy Okada

Thomas Parsons

Catherine Peter

Jordana Van Hollebeke

Gregory Wilbanks