Google Tools

Making a Google "Frames" Project

Google Frames

In this lesson you will use a tool you already know, Google Slides, and use it to make a digital flipbook that will be an animation. Look out Disney and Pixar our Lea Hill students are pretty creative.

Create a Google Doc

Google Docs

Review how to create a Google Doc.

Using Email


Review how to set up and use your email.

Untitled presentation

Making Folders In Drive

Review how to organize and manage your Google Drive.

Making Changes to a Google Doc

Making Changes

Use the editing tools available to do things like change the font or underline text. Learn about the basic tools.

Create, View and Edit Bookmarks


Using the bookmark tool will allow you to go back to sites you would like to visit again with having to remember how you go to them. When managed correctly you can keep research organized and at your fingertips for whenever you need it.

Parts of the Chrome Browser

Chrome Browser

Each day I try to help students navigate through the lessons and am realizing that many of them have forgotten some of the basics like how do I refresh my page. This is a quick lesson on the basics. Where are the tabs and how do I get a new one? What is the address bar? How do I bookmark something so I can come back to it? This lesson will serve as a reminder of how to use those basic parts and will allow us to be on the same page as far as vocabulary.