Rainier Middle School Library
Welcome Panthers! What's going on in the library?
Welcome Panthers! What's going on in the library?
For December we have a winter reading display. Come check out our books about Christmas, Hanukkah and winter!
December 17th we will be having a Connect 4 tournament in the library during lunch. Sign up in the library to compete!
December 21st is the Winter Solstice. Read about that here.
December 25th is Christmas.
Kwanzaa is December 26 though January 1st.
Hanukkah starts December 25th and runs through January 2nd.
Then click "Log In" in the top right corner to place holds and view your info. Use your Regular Google Log in. Click the blue magnifying glass to search by title, author, or subject.
Then click "Log In" in the top right corner to place holds and view your info. Use your Regular Google Log in. Click the blue magnifying glass to search by title, author, or subject.
Contact Ms. Grad - Librarian pgrad@auburn.wednet.edu
Contact Mrs. Stromberg- Library Para cstromberg@auburn.wednet.edu
Contact Sunshine Merritt - Tech Support smerritt@auburn.wednet.edu