Pop Culture & Literary Analysis

Note: there are PG-13 words in some of these videos.

Traveling Through Tropes

Archetypes KCLove.pptx

Background Knowledge: What is an "archetype?"

Review this Before you Go to Step One

Pop Culture Lit Analysis Quick-Sheet

*Follow the reading and watching by the numbers.

*Each number/box has a link to a Google Doc for discussion and questions.

*Some of these videos go fast; slow down the speed, and watch 1, 2, and 3 times. Make sure closed captions are on.

*This isn't required - but so what? Why not learn something and grow?

  1. What are Tropes?

2. The Mean Girl

3. The Best Friend

4. The Weird Girl

5. The Smart Girl

6. The Nice Guy

7. The Cool Girl

8. Mulan is not a Disney Princess

9. The 2 Types of Disney Villains

10. Disney Magical Objects

11. Do We Still Need Superheroes?

12. Trope Talk: The Darkest Hour