Learning Center

Our new program will offer more credit opportunities with a different type of schedule. Core academic classes will be offered during the regular school day Tuesday through Friday with the option of attending two days a week, or in the morning or afternoon four days a week. There will also be an opportunity to take electives on Mondays and/or online. For the students that are not able to attend during the regular school day, we will be incorporating our online Virtual program into the offerings in the Learning Center, those students will need to schedule 2 hours a week during LAB or Conferencing times.

Students are required to be making progress on their four core classes throughout the year. Students will also be provided the opportunity to earn additional credits as they are able utilizing “Open Lab” time on Monday afternoon and during the block schedule Thursday-Friday. Students will also be required to attend open labs if they are not making satisfactory progress according to any Intervention Plans.

It is the expectation of the Learning Center students make satisfactory progress towards graduation. With this in mind, it is required for students to be making progress in the four core credit classes, maintaining attendance during our alternative schedule which means maintaining 12 hours per week in class.